Friday, January 18, 2008

IAR 202 - Welcome Mat

Germany is a country about connection. The connection of people and the country. During WWII the country was split in half, separating people from their homes, family, and heritage. In 1989 the Berlin Wall was torn down and the country was whole again. However, it took time for the country to truly reconnect. The two parts had grown in different directions and it took a great deal of work for the government to create a united country.
Now, Germany is united and it reflects in the people. When friends greet each other the men always shake hands and the women always kiss cheeks. It is all about the connection of people. The weave of materials represents the connection of people and the reconnection of the country.
Germany is also known for its progress in sustainable design and energy. This is why the materials that I used were all green materials. I used cork and cotton fabric to connect and create the mat, creating a green design.

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